
Group members

Keith Butler

Keith is Senior Lecturer in Green Energy Materials. Previously he worked as a staff scientist at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, as a post-doctoral resaercher in the groups of Aron Walsh and John Harding, flipping cheestakes in 99 Miles to Philly and the man behind the burger vending machine in Dublin’s famous Ilac Centre.

Keith serves as an associate editor of npj Computational Materials and on the editorial board of Machine Learning Science and Technology. He is the secretary of the IOP special interest group for Dielectrics and Electrostatics. Keith is an active developer of several open source materials design packages SMACT, SuperResTomo, MacroDensity and a strong advocate of open science.

Masaki Hiratsuka

Masaki is Associate Professor at Kogakuin University in Tokyo. He is spending a sabbatical with the MDI group, working on new machine learning forcefields for materials interfaces. For more information, read Masaki’s webpage.

Matthew Walker

Matthew is a PhD student in the group at UCL. His project aims to use graph neural networks to predict optical and electronic properties of semiconductors from chemical composition. During his master’s in materials modelling (also at UCL) he studied sustainable thermoelectric materials in David Scanlon’s group, before a brief stint in the corporate world confirmed his suspicions of its cold cynicism and his desire to return to the academic world. When he isn’t stuck behind a computer, he likes cooking, attempting a spectrum of exercise modalities, and learning new languages (currently Italian and Kotlin). Matthew’s webpage